Brown rats, also known as Rattus norvegicus, are some of the most ubiquitous and resilient creatures on our planet. Often found in urban areas, they've adapted incredibly well to human environments and have become a nuisance for property owners. Lets scamper down the alleyways and into the hidden world of brown rats with some fun and surprising facts!
Masters of the Maze - Brown rats are incredibly smart. Their intelligence is showcased through their ability to memorise routes and solve complex puzzles to find food. Research has shown that once a rat learns a navigation route, it never forgets it. This is why they are often used in laboratory experiments to study learning and memory.
Olympic-Level Swimmers - Did you know brown rats are superb swimmers? They can hold their breath for up to three minutes and swim over half a mile in open water. Their swimming prowess allows them to navigate through sewers and waterways, often leading them to colonise new areas. They are even capable of diving through the water to evade predators or to enter buildings through drainage systems.
Night Owls of the Rodent World - Brown rats are primarily nocturnal, preferring to scurry around for food under the cover of darkness. This nocturnal lifestyle helps them avoid predators and, unfortunately, makes them more successful at infiltrating properties undetected, usually through the drainage system..
The Social Network - These rodents are highly social creatures. They live in complex societies within their burrows, featuring hierarchies where stronger rats dominate over the weaker ones. Their social structures are fascinating, with clear communication signals for everything from finding food to sensing danger.
A Tail of Two Functions - The brown rat's tail is not just for balance or an aesthetic appendage; it serves two critical survival functions. Firstly, it helps in regulating their body temperature, as they can dilate or constrict the blood vessels in their tail to release or conserve heat. Secondly, their tail aids in their incredible balance, allowing them to navigate narrow ledges and wires smoothly.
Fast Breeders - Brown rats have an astonishing reproductive rate. A single pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year under optimal conditions. This rapid reproduction rate is one of the reasons why controlling rat populations in urban areas can be particularly challenging and why installing preventative measure such as a RatGate is crucial.
Rat Tales in History - Brown rats have been stowaways on human voyages since the 1500s, spreading across the world from their origins in Asia. Their presence aboard ships helped them colonise new continents, making them one of the most successful mammalian species in terms of global distribution.
Architects and Engineers - The burrows of brown rats are marvels of rodent engineering. They can dig extensive networks of tunnels with multiple exits, sleeping quarters, and even storage rooms. These burrows are strategically designed to avoid predators and flooding, showcasing the rats' intricate planning and foresight.
As intriguing as brown rats can be in their adaptability and intelligence, it's crucial to remember the importance of preventative measures to stop them from entering your property. Not only can they cause significant damage to infrastructure, but they also pose severe health risks. RatGates offer an innovative and effective solution to this problem. By installing a RatGate, you create a barrier that keeps these clever urban explorers at bay, protecting your home or business from the complexities of cohabiting with these fascinating, but troublesome, neighbours.